Monday, January 23, 2006

When I Sorrow -Psalm 23

When trials seem more than I can bear, this verse is such a comfort to me. God is so good to give me strength and wit during circumstances, but sometimes I just need to cry out to Him with tears of brokeness knowing He will minister to me with His boundless comfort and grace. I had come across this clip from DaySpring a few days ago and loved it...not thinking that the Lord had provided it as a resource for comfort today. It is just beautiful, and the music is so complimentary to the song. Sorry about having to copy and paste...not that high speed yet :) But if you know of anyone who could use some encouragement today, this would be wonderful to share with them. It helped remind me that my loving Heavenly Father is all sufficient and will one day wipe my very last tears away for all eternity.