Okay, so having 4 little children very close together is NEVER as easy as it seems...and though I have learned to laugh at MOST of the things, sometimes I have little meltdowns too. But, I would not trade or change any of these moments for the world. Keep in mind that BUSY, these days, is truly an understatement folks :)
"What in the WORLD?"-what Brian said as a result of witnessing the after affects of "stuff" and "Un TEEF"
"Stuff"- pertains to the event I unfortunately forgot about until it was too late. Anjolie...for, who-knows-what-reason except *she's four*, decided that our bathroom sink needed to be stuffed with toilet paper...stuffed to the point of no return, well, I guess stuffed to the point of no entry of water with needs to drain would be more accurate. I had every intention of UNstuffing it before the "Un Teef" incident, but alas, my memory failed me (as it seems to do that LOTS these days).
"Un Teef"...this is what Ayden said when we found him in the above said bathroom leaning over a *flooding* (think mini waterfall) sink with 2 toothbrushes stuck in his mouth..."Un Teef!!" he insisted, as he stood on the toilet in his little diaper with his little sink waterfall cascading mercilessly over the sink rim. "UN TEEF!!", he cried (with the 2 toothbrushes, mine and Brians, still stuck in his mouth), when he saw Brian's aghast look as he stood on his very own porcelain "island" surrounded by water. My memory, concerning the toilet paper stuffed sink, was instantly jogged...amazing. Yeah, I laughed. Brian...not so much, especially when enlightened about the "stuff" ;)
Oh, Heather... this makes my heart stop. What am I IN FOR??? :D
Hahahaha...I was seriously laughing. I think since Lily has been letting Ayden into forbidden rooms (ie the bathroom) I have been busier than ever. You know, THEY are 15 mo apart ;) Now, when I have to make dinner or something..I put Ayden in the stroller in front of a movie...yes, that works WONDERFULLY :)
Your optimism during these "episodes" is always amazing to me! I can giggle at your story....but if it had happened here; well, that would be different. I am trying to learn from your wonderful, beautiful spirit my friend!!
I cannot stop laughing!! Only in the knowledge that sooner or later my own "un teef" incident is bound to occur!! I think even funnier than the incident is the face I know your DH must have had...
Too funny!!! : )
Yes, this reminds me of my two who are 15 mos. apart. The elder used to wash her Snow white doll's hair in the toilet while the younger flushed. We've had many "happy" memories with these two little criminals who are now 4 & 5! Love it! Thanks for sharing!
Ok, right off the bat...
"Okay, so having 4 little children very close together is NEVER as easy as it seems..."
Do you mean to say that someone has actually told you that having four children seems easy? Wow. Whatever happy pill that person is taking, I must find out the name! :)
And (and I am hoping that this particular blurb is not inappropriate for this blog) Bobby certainly gets into his own clever brand of mischief. Just yesterday, he grabbed one of my bras from my bedroom, came running out to me, and yelled, "Here, boobies! Here, boobies!" !!!
And when he was around a year old, he enjoyed flushing his glow-in-the-dark rubber duckies down the toilet. It was not uncommon for our toilet to glow in hours of darkness.
Ha ha, that is sooo funny!!! lol
Cherlyn...I am *cracking* up!!! Hahaahahahaha
Children truly are blessings! :)
LOL! Yuck. I hope my hubby is around when fun things like that start happening here at Casa de Lawhon. I don't do messes well.
Too funny! AH, the life with little ones.
Liz...don't you know that they save their worst antics for mom? ;) teehee..makes for good blog fodder
Melissa...yes it was funny until I had to clean it up ;)
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