What an attractive title...hahaha it will come together in the end;)
There are some things we can change and some things we can't...or in my case, shouldn't. We should just strive to look our best and take care of what the Lord has given us. :)Just to show you how goofy I really am/can be...not that you didn't already know, or didn't at least have an inkling, I give you the following embarrassing, but funny reality that is mine, and it will, hopefully, give you a glimpse of *me* and some of my insecurities.
I will start by saying, (to those who don't know) that I have NEVER liked my nose, not that I was teased HORRIBLY about it, but I just knew that when people described me in *compliments* as "striking"...I would smile and just know that...oh yeah, that's a classic "prominent nose" compliment. I mean what else could be *striking* except when I turn around and BAM!! there's a NOSE with some features around it...no, okay, it's not that bad, but it is fun to be able to tease myself about it. I will also shamefully admit that I've "shopped" around a bit, haha, there's a new one. Have you ever gone nose shopping? I can spot a good nose surgery from a mile away! Well, not that I obsessed about it (still in denial),but really, the Lord just impressed upon me the absolute vanity of it (surgery) even warranting a thought, so I comforted myself with the fact that at least I HAD a nose. So now, I just use the little camera doohicky thing on my laptop and angle.my.head.. just.right. so ...my nose is not accentuated any more than...uh....it usually is? Hahaha, anyway...I always say it keeps me humble...
HERE is the "Hair" part. My HAIR is a different story. I can DO something about that..to keep it looking its best. I was a pretty light blonde, til I started having kids, so yes, I shamelessly dye my hair to keep it looking, to be redundant, its best. I
prefer it long, but my face is long and I had been advised to CUT it...so I did, but don't worry, I'll get over that notion and grow it out again.
ANYWAY, I have adjusted to having shorter hair and I recently asked to get my hair thinned as it was VERY thick. My stylist, bless her heart, took a full hour on my hair-without washing or blowdrying-just CUTTING and cutting and c.u.t.t.i.n.g....
cutting....until my hair was utterly thin. She styled it well and I told her how I have to straighten my hair because otherwise it looks like a big poof ball. She assured me it would be easy to maintain...Does THIS
look EASY to manage/maintain??? There was no trying to exaggerate here, this is really what my hair looks like when I am finished blow drying it. I am sure Brian is eternally grateful that I don't just *leave* it like this for even a minute. NO, I get RIGHT to work on the 'fro ball. With some straightening gel and a straightening iron...it took me about 25min to get my hair into working order
....so then, today, after dealing with the hair ball
situation, I sat and snapped with my trusty laptop picture thingy, oh, about 10 pics to get the right ANGLE, (as mentioned before *ahem* about said nose), for my profile pic up there to the right and, there you have it, a real live profile of a silly mom who just wants to look her best if not, dare I say *striking* hahaha :).
I'm not sure why I posted this...and I don't really have a moral to this story except that we all have things that the evil one wants us to be discontent with and be insecure about...we
all have them. We must decide to take what we have and, instead of neglecting it all together, do
our best with it -to His honor and glory. The rest, the physical things we can't or shouldn't change or maybe are in the process of changing such as weight, well, I've had to learn to laugh about some of those things (some must be patient) and appreciate that it contributes to a vessel made for HIS honor and glory, not mine. So, if you ever wonder if some of your would-be-if-not-already hang ups are normal...they are, and if they are not-according to some Ms looks perfect (who does she think she is being perfect anyway huh?), well, we can be not-normal together always striving to be our best for the Lord. Blessings!! ;)