There are some things we can change and some things we can't...or in my case, shouldn't. We should just strive to look our best and take care of what the Lord has given us. :)Just to show you how goofy I really am/can be...not that you didn't already know, or didn't at least have an inkling, I give you the following embarrassing, but funny reality that is mine, and it will, hopefully, give you a glimpse of *me* and some of my insecurities.
I will start by saying, (to those who don't know) that I have NEVER liked my nose, not that I was teased HORRIBLY about it, but I just knew that when people described me in *compliments* as "striking"...I would smile and just know that...oh yeah, that's a classic "prominent nose" compliment. I mean what else could be *striking* except when I turn around and BAM!! there's a NOSE with some features around, okay, it's not that bad, but it is fun to be able to tease myself about it. I will also shamefully admit that I've "shopped" around a bit, haha, there's a new one. Have you ever gone nose shopping? I can spot a good nose surgery from a mile away! Well, not that I obsessed about it (still in denial),but really, the Lord just impressed upon me the absolute vanity of it (surgery) even warranting a thought, so I comforted myself with the fact that at least I HAD a nose. So now, I just use the little camera doohicky thing on my laptop and just.right. so nose is not accentuated any more usually is? Hahaha, anyway...I always say it keeps me humble...
HERE is the "Hair" part. My HAIR is a different story. I can DO something about keep it looking its best. I was a pretty light blonde, til I started having kids, so yes, I shamelessly dye my hair to keep it looking, to be redundant, its best. I prefer it long, but my face is long and I had been advised to CUT I did, but don't worry, I'll get over that notion and grow it out again.
ANYWAY, I have adjusted to having shorter hair and I recently asked to get my hair thinned as it was VERY thick. My stylist, bless her heart, took a full hour on my hair-without washing or blowdrying-just CUTTING and cutting and c.u.t.t.i.n.g....cutting....until my hair was utterly thin. She styled it well and I told her how I have to straighten my hair because otherwise it looks like a big poof ball. She assured me it would be easy to maintain...Does THIS
look EASY to manage/maintain??? There was no trying to exaggerate here, this is really what my hair looks like when I am finished blow drying it. I am sure Brian is eternally grateful that I don't just *leave* it like this for even a minute. NO, I get RIGHT to work on the 'fro ball. With some straightening gel and a straightening took me about 25min to get my hair into working order then, today, after dealing with the hair ball situation, I sat and snapped with my trusty laptop picture thingy, oh, about 10 pics to get the right ANGLE, (as mentioned before *ahem* about said nose), for my profile pic up there to the right and, there you have it, a real live profile of a silly mom who just wants to look her best if not, dare I say *striking* hahaha :).
I'm not sure why I posted this...and I don't really have a moral to this story except that we all have things that the evil one wants us to be discontent with and be insecure about...we all have them. We must decide to take what we have and, instead of neglecting it all together, do our best with it -to His honor and glory. The rest, the physical things we can't or shouldn't change or maybe are in the process of changing such as weight, well, I've had to learn to laugh about some of those things (some must be patient) and appreciate that it contributes to a vessel made for HIS honor and glory, not mine. So, if you ever wonder if some of your would-be-if-not-already hang ups are normal...they are, and if they are not-according to some Ms looks perfect (who does she think she is being perfect anyway huh?), well, we can be not-normal together always striving to be our best for the Lord. Blessings!! ;)
Heather, that was TOO FUNNY! You've mentioned your nose lots of times to me, but I have NEVER seen what you're talking about..... and I've looked for it!
The hair, yeah, mine looks like that too after I blow dry it. The straightening iron is a blessing!
Thanks for posting such funny pictures of yourself and not being afraid to show your not-so-perfect side.
LOL! Oh, if you only knew what I thought this post was going to be about!
I think you're beautiful. Striking, absolutely. Prominent nose? I hadn't noticed before you started pointing out! Maybe. But the whole picture is truly very beautiful.
I, myself, have a large and fairly crooked nose. But the surgery risks don't balance my need for a correction at this point (sometimes I don't breath as well as I could).
And just for know, they say that our ears and noses grow, grow, grow until we're old, old, old! Eeeeeeek!
Pam ;) you are so kind...hey I just got back from Anjolie's piano lesson...I see you called :(
GB...NOOOOOO!!! You know, I too always have one side that seems to be "tight" for breathing as well...hmmmm.. a loophole perhaps? I THOUGHT it was getting bigger..*whimper* how much bigger could it GET? Well, in that case, would it really hurt for me to take about an inch off the end? LOL
I am just rolling.... though I have to say I have always had a MAJOR hair issue...... No matter how many people said "I LOVED your curly hair" I never heard that when I had it!! Oh well.... I am loving my straight hair and I have found a hair time saver!! Japanese hair oil - about $6 a bottle, and you only need a SMIDGE... controls frizz and helps flatten and straighten!!!!
You are too funny. I love the pictures, and the stories. Your nose is fine, you hair looks great short, well maybe not so much in the first picture.
When I started menapause (yes, it was early) my face broke out in acne that has never ceased. After having to deal with it non-stop for 5 years now, my nose seems like the least of my worries (even though I too have contemplated surgery)... No chest, pear shaped so that my but is 2x as wide as my shoulders... yeah... I've had a lot of vanities to lay on the altar.
Deea-I would not be surprised if I've not started with some hormone issues I have had and as far as the "chest"...hahaha..yeah, I have nursed 4 children, you KNOW I've got issues :)
Lauren..I LOVE your hair!! Melissa...your hair looks just fabulous!! Do you love it??
Heather, you look beautiful!!!! I love the hair! And as for your nose...I'll trade ya!
IONS by the way...I'd hoot and holler if everyone were not asleep! *grinning from ear to ear* Love you!!
This one made me giggle! I have never noticed your nose! I have noticed your hair, but I always thought it was beautiful! I too have a poof ball after blow drying, and with the static electricity in the winter, it hasn't gotten any better! I love my ponytail!
Glad to see you are keepin' it real around here! LOL This post was too cute! And so are you!! : )
And I've always thought you were beautiful (inside and out)--and had great hair! I *never* would have guessed you had to do so much to get it that way.
This was such a GREAT read, Heather! You definetly have a talent for writing. I too, was chuckling away. Such a great story...we ALL have some "THING" that troubles this contentment of our looks.
I am so blessed with a kind husband...weight..ARRGGH. He always says..what do you expect when having had 6 you want them to have a skinny-whinny Grandma or a nice cuddly Grandma. Oooh..thanks..I'll take the cuddly Grandma! I'm not THAT overweight..but hormone issues do help quite a bit in making cuddly Grandmas. If and when we meet Heather..your kids can hug and cuddle this Grandma anytime..lap problem!
(just kidding)...
I think you are a lovely young woman...I even told Pam a while SEE...the nose was made for YOU!
YOU!!!! You are hilarious! I do know what you mean about ALL of it! Insecurities are Satans playground--what a better way for him to have us complaining to the Lord(who, I might add, NEVER makes mistakes!)about what He has created, or how He has created it! Not that you are doing this of course, nor am I ;)... I am soooo thankful for the Grace and Mercy that our Lord bestows upon us in our depravity! Aren't you?! You are beautiful! God bless!
Sarah T
Well I think it is 25 minutes well spent because your 'after' shot is beautiful!!
I, also, have nose issues, only my nose is short and really round. Puggish but not upturned to get the cute factor. For YEARS I was tortured by my nose!! Teased throughout junior high. Trying every makeup trick I read's a shocker...they don't work!
When I got married though, I stopped obsessing. Hubby is so sweet, he likes my nose. Or, at least he SAYS he does!
My poor kid seems to have sorta inherited my unfortunate nose. Bless her heart. I do happen to think it looks beautiful on her, though!!
Thank God that through this wonderful invention called the internet woman can finally see we are ALL plagued with these silly insecurities! If I were to see you on the street, I'd never dream you had image issues! Bless you for being so open!
Wow! I take the kids out for an evening and look what happens. haha
I must say I wish it would only take me 25 minutes to do (straighten) my hair. If I really get the urge, I will do it, but to do it well it takes at least an hour. So needless to say I don't usually do that. It wasn't so bad shorter, and I really wish I had known about straightening irons when my hair was still mostly straight. Since my hair became curly again, I just really don't know what to do with it. *sigh* I have always thought that your hair was pretty, and you always seem so put together, even when frazzled.
You're beautiful, both inside and out! Thanks for the smiles! :-D
I don't know why you posted this either, but it sure was fun to read. LOL You're a riot. I loved the hairball pic. I guess there are all sorts of things we would like to change about ourselves. I have very straight hair with no bounce or nothin'. So even your hairball looked impressive to me. As far as your nose...well, I love it. It's not like you have the "Roman nose" or anything. Plus, Brian obviously thinks you're a hottie. Hairball, nose and all. hehehehe
Heather, since I know you can laugh about it I am laughing with you across the many miles! I really thought you were going to tell us about nose hairs and omgoodness if you did! I woulda been saying get er done girl!! Love ya! Otherwise all looks well, I think you should try to go with the fro ball one day, I don't know, I'm just saying, I think it adds character! Hee hee
well, you have beautiful eyes, a lovely smile and the joy of the Lord all deep down inside you, what is not to be satisfied about?
congrats on the hair work, its more than I can handle, thank god for baseball caps
Thanks for all the kind reassuring comments...even if they were kinda close to WHITE LIES;) Just kidding, I really wasn't fishing for compliments...just wanting to, as Mishel says "Keep it REAL". As far as "nose hair", where on earth did you get the idea that this post was about THAT??;)...uh that may be real...but eeeewwwwwwww who'd post about THAT?? teehee;)
Kristi...hahahaha, what's wrong with a Roman nose? ;) Yeah, and as far as my husband loving hairballs...he HAS always had a special place in his heart for cats..hmmmm know, you are right, girl, I need to get my heart right and just humble myself to BE NATURAL right...if my hair naturally "springs" into "fro-mode" then HEY, I should go with it hahaha:)I might just choose that very day to visit your church! hehehe
Hehehe, love the poof ball, so funny. I know what you mean on the nose thing and the liking your hair long thing. There are a lot of things that rang true in this post for me. Your hair and the pics of it did turn out great, straightening irons are wonderful, yeah?
This for this smile this morning.
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