"Sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the nature that controlled Him will control us."-Oswald Chambers
When I ask the Lord to continue His Sanctifying work in me-when I *really* mean it- there is an element of fear there. I feel guilty saying that, but there it is. A good thing is that the fear is the evidence of my faith in Him who has began a good work in me and will complete it. Even now, I tremble just a bit inside when I think of the Awesome God who is THE Authority in my life...that is just...well, I need a minute...whew...is there a bigger word than Awesome-if there is, insert that above.
My flesh doesn't like change and tends to cringe from it-hence some of the fear-but I also have the peace of the Holy Spirit along with the fear. Doesn't that just show how weak our flesh is...to resist change for the better is such an infantile quality...and I display my desire to remain immature in oh so many ways. Yet, He continues to be patient with me and, as I ask Him, the Lord fully equips me for any trial and gives grace to meet the conviction. In my heart of hearts, I know that I must be made more and more into the image of Christ and that means asking the Lord to examine my heart daily-at least. Because I am still flesh, that means He is going to be continually convicting me and guiding me in a way that does not come natural to my flesh. He will show me my stubbornness, my pride, past sins that must be confessed and reconciled if so needed. I have even had to (in the past) go back to someone after almost a year and correct a deceitful statement...*that* was incredibly humbling and boy did my flesh burn in that trial, but God gave grace and courage and bathed me in love and forgiveness. Another example, good thinking habits must replace the 33 year old bad habits that the world considers normal and some times even healthy! When I am frustrated, I must trace my thoughts and see all the blaming that I do and give those evil working thoughts to God...repent and then rejoice.
The thing that *does* make this heart work easier (for lack of a better word), is to remain malleable like the potter's clay. If I allow myself to be in a constant state of being molded, there is no chance of "hardening"...the Master Potter can gently continue His Masterpiece. When I allow even a day to go by without asking Him to examine my heart...if I don't die to myself daily and commit to follow Him in every way...little hard spots develop. The Master must break these hard spots up and sometimes remove them all-together if they have solidified to the point where they would mar the Masterpiece if left in the clay. Sanctification is a constant work that we must allow in our lives-it is unique to each person, but the basics are the same- (after we have trusted Christ to be our Saviour and accepted His shed blood as payment for our sins)- for that work to even begin we must be in daily fellowship with our Lord and getting to know Him through His Word and Prayer. We must labor in the fields faithfully-active in ministry-sharing the Gospel. Anyway, this is where I am at today, as I should be every single day, in the Master's Hands willing and waiting to see what marvellous things He will work in His Masterpiece today :)
1Thes. 5:23
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm so excited to see what the Lord has waiting for you!
I miss you!!
If I allow myself to be in a constant state of being molded, there is no chance of "hardening"...the Master Potter can gently continue His Masterpiece.
I love this... so simple, and yet so full of truth.
Your words in this post echo my heart--that little bit of fear that can seem to go along with a most earnest desire to be refined... thankfully the Lord causes our desire to be made into His image to be the stronger of the two, and gives us His grace while He continues to mold us. This makes me think of our mutually beloved book, Hind's Feet... I need to read that again. Love and hugs
Thank you Heather for this wonderful, heart stirring post. I miss you my friend. You are a truly special lady.
Oh yes, and I wanted to let you know that our mutual friend, K.C., has a blog on Yahoo. I know she would love to hear from you. Ihope this takes you there
I was reading this today and didn't get a chance to comment, but this post made me think of another song...lol, your post do that to me, lol...anyway, a girl in our church sings a song and the chorus says, "Over and over, he molds me and makes me, into His image, He fastens the clay. A vessel of His honor, I am today, all because Jesus didn't throw the clay away."
Thank you for visiting my blog..and thank you that in visiting yours, I am drawn to Christ first and foremost - well, except for the pink canister sweeper. ;o)
Okinawa - Calvary Chapel Bible College has a small campus there. We fellowship at a CC and our daughter is an online student off CCBC Murrieta. Do you enjoy the island?
Haus Frau aka Sherry
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