Wednesday, July 09, 2008

No More Stitches

We snapped this pic before Ayden went to get his 3 stitches took over 2 hours of *sigh* blood sweat and tears because they were too tight, but the Dr finally numbed it with lidocain and sort of "dug" them out ich...Allll done!


Kristi said...

Bless his heart. I'm glad he has no more stitches!!

What a cutie.


Anonymous said...

What a little trooper, oh I mean "little Marine" ;)

Tiffany said...

Yay!! No more stitches!! I have never had any but Im sure they arent comfortable!! Way to be brave.

ExploreColorado said...

Poor baby. A broken lip is no fun. When is your move? It should be coming up pretty quickly here, if I remember right. How's your packing coming?

missy said...

Don't you find yourself wondering, 'why didn't you just numb it in the first place and spare the poor kid?'

I remember when my kiddo (five at the time) had pins in her arm. They took her to surgery to implant them, but just pulled them out manually in the office without numbing or anything! It was AWFUL.

So glad its all over for little Ayden though!

A Joyful Heart said...

He looks like such a cutie! What happened that he had to have stitches?

Jenny P. said...

Poor thing, well I am glad he is better now.

Liz said...

He looks so proud of them though. =) Tyler is very proud of all his boo-boos and likes to show them to everybody. I can't believe how big he is now. And such a cutie!

mama2drama said...

While I was glad we didn't have to do the stitches thing. I wonder if our journey would've been easier had we gone that route. We're dealing with problems in her gums now. Presumably from falling so hard. So happy your little man is all better.

mholgate said...

Poor guy. I bet he was very brave, even through the tears. So far we've been very lucky to not have any stitches with five kids. (KOW!)

How's the move going? You might find a few chuckles by looking at the archives of a blog friend of mine at She has some really great insight about how to deal with the stress of moving, let alone moving with five children!

Heather said...

:) Thank you for your well-wishing...As far as HOW he fell, well we were at the playground with some friends and he was on a bridge tip thing with spaces in between each "step" of the bridge....well, he slipped and fell through. As he fell, his mouth hit the slat in front of him and his teeth went through his lip...LOTS of blood with any type of facial wound blech!