Thursday, September 27, 2007

If Only...

...I would "grow up" *sigh*...we all will have more than a few precious names/faces come to mind when we read the excerpt that follows this whining of mine. Some of you readers came to mind when I read it. And as for me...I *sigh* as I reflect on my less than steadfast walk-it has been erratic at times and less than calm and graceful. I aspire to faithfully "hit the mark" in all I do and stop allowing the inconsistencies in my walk that bring chaos into my life and that of my family.

Bridgen Herman wrote more than 60 years ago " When we read the lives of the saints, we are struck by a certain large leisure which went hand in hand with a remarkable effectiveness. They were never hurried; they did comparatively few things, and these not necessarily striking or important; and they troubled very little about their influence. Yet they always seemed to hit the mark; every bit of their life told; their simplest actions had a distinction, an exquisiteness which suggested the Artist. The reason is not far to seek. Their sainthood lay in their habit of referring the smallest actions to God. They lived in God; they acted from a pure motive of love towards God. They were as free from self-regard as from slavery to the good opinion of others. God saw and God rewarded: what else needed they? They possessed God and possessed themselves in God. Hence the inalienable dignity of these meek, quiet figures that seem to produce such marvelous effects with such humble materials."- E. Herman Creative Prayer (Cincinnati: Forward Movement.n.d.",p.16 I added the bold to the text above. This excerpt taken from Ordering Your Private World by Gordon Macdonald


Pam--in America said...

Heather, the closer we get to the Light of God's glory, the more we can see the sin in our life-----so I know why you always think so little of yourself; you walk close enough to the Lord to see your true self. But the rest of us see something else from you. We can see the Light shining FROM your life, and when I read this excerpt----I thought of YOU!

Heather said...

God is good Pam, but I am def. not at this point yet. You are such a dear friend. I am so glad the Lord made you be my friend ;)