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Boy, was it a busy Brian left early to pick up 6 of his Marines to take them to church and as I was doing my hair, Lily got into my spice cabinet..which happens to be a bottom cabinet and DUMPED 4 bottles of spice on the kitchen floor! Oh dear.!!
She spent the morning smelling of CUMIN blech...but it was too late to bathe her AGAIN *sigh* why couldn't it have been cinnamon or something like that...noooo she had to smell like an armpit all morning...he he he Nothing says Christmas like Ode to B.O. And...when I get a moment, I will tell about an interesting turn of events that led to us to put up our Christmas tree (yes, it's fake..we live on a tropical island) was neat..had to do it at 10pm.... but it was a most memorable moment. Merry Christmas
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Too funny about Lily. Kids are definately quick.
Poor Lily. LOL I laughed out loud with that one. Too funny. I tell ya, you turn your back for one second and they'll get you everytime. LOL
We had a good Christmas too. Busy....but good. I'll post about it later.
Love ya!
Those were great,Thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks ladies...movin' into hyper drive these days...and it will be very busy through I will post and comment as much as time allows :) I love you all and hope you are enjoying the holidays!!-love heather
Merry Christmas Heather! I loved the pics and video (and hearing your voice...I miss hearing you sing).
Merry Christmas! Love the pictures. Can't wait to hear about the last minute Christmas tree story.
Please e-mail me.
I need to ask you some questions.
What a beautiful family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
I did not read your other post you deleted...but,it is fine to share your thoughts...we all have times of feeling discouraged....then we could know how to pray for you.
I once posted on something dear to me heart and a concern we have for husband read it(after it had been online for a while) and said it was a little too I deleted it. Some had read it,then it just disappeared....sometimes it is for the best.
Heather, I just found out about blogging. (I'm assured that's a word) We got Bro Brian's message and it's great to hear you and your munchkins. I miss you all. Oh yeah == this is Mrs. Kathi from CBC Yucca == Granny Kate
Check out my blog and Rach's babies.
(((((Granny Kate))))big hug. I am so excited that you have a blog!! I will update mine as soon as I get a chance :) We sure love and miss you all! Now Rach needs a blog!! Please tell her hello for me-love you heather
--Ms Robin!! Oops I am going to email you right now!! love ya!
Kim- thank you so much for your support!!
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