Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Time To Sorrow

To our dear Pastor, his family and our beloved Calvary Baptist Church. In sharing your loss.

I cried with you today, not next to you, or even near, but an ocean away. God's love and care for you traveled the miles and touched our hearts. We wept and prayed to take on your pain, to share in your sorrow.

Knowing we can never understand the pain of your loss, our prayers continuously seek our Savior and His comfort for you. May His grace be dealt without measure. May the blessings of an abundantly all sufficiant God surround you and create a hedge about you. May those who have been blessed by you hold you up in continual prayer. May He bind His church close and unbreachable by those who would seek to destroy it. May God be given the glory and praise for the solidity of His children in their faith.

Those that have had their souls saved through your preaching and teaching of God's word, pray for you now, Missionaries and their churches, family and friends around the world lift you up in prayer. God loves the Calvary Baptist family so much He has broken our hearts in our love for you. We remain in fervent prayer for God's will to be done in the lives of all who have been touched in this tragedy. The glorious light of the Lord's work is not dimmed in the lives of our dear Pastor and his family as they continue on in the great commission. The Lord's all sufficiancy and grace to abound in every good work, as the Bible assures us, is the shining testimony of a family passionate for their loving Savior. I am humbled by their example and inspired to press forward in giving my all to the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter the circumstance, who is worthy of our all. God Bless, we love you.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Just wanted to say hi. I havent heard anything new. Been kind of out of the loop this week.

I hope your doing ok. Praying for you also.