Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mowin' the Lawn

Well, I'm about 6mo preggo and poor Brian has been working so much that he has not had any real daylight time to mow the lawn in over 2 weeks!!! Can you believe it? He started to this Saturday, and got maybe 1/8th of it done and ran out of gas. So, the lawn looked even worse. The weeds had sprouted up to my knees. I was so embarassed that when it was time to take Brianna to school, I would peek outside to make sure noone was out there and race out with the kids. Just in case someone thought I did not notice that our lawn needed mowed and wanted to remind me...I did not want to hear about it.

Today, I had just had it. I just asked Brian how the stupid thing worked, I added gas and was prepared to butcher the yard as best I could. Well, he forgot to tell me about "priming" it...and so I wore myself out trying to start the thing. I am out there in my slippers, yes slippers....a pullin and a pullin...lookin around to make sure no one is there to witness then a... pullin and....a pullin...This must have gone on for about 5 min, but it felt like a lot more. Finally, I just left that blasted thing sitting right on my front walk. So...at least it would be like a sign or something to the neighborhood "YES!! She is GOING to mow the lawn!!" I called Brian at work and asked him to PLEASE at least just stop by and show me what was wrong with the mower....yep OMF was the problem (operator malfunction). So, I got the kids down for a nap, and ventured out for another try.

Still in my slippers, I mowed that lawn...to death I think. Yes, over the tree roots and rocks and rills.. that thing dragged me. You see, Brian had to get a self propelled lawn mower (make sure you say that with the proper little jingle to your voice...for effect...). And me, being the newbie at having to mow the lawn, could not seem to get the hang of disengaging the "drive train" as Brian called it. So, when the mower got in this spot by some dirt in a corner of the house, I was trying to pull it backwards to avoid this stump of a bush that we have in the yard. Let me just tell you, I don't know WHAT I was doing, but that mower had a mind of its OWN. I'm pulling and it drags itself over that stump chewin and chewin...it's front wheels drivin' and drivin'.. with such a force it was digging up the dirt, sending it back by the blower, and blowing it all over the place, including me!! How in the world? That's what I'd like to know. Anyway, I finally gritted my teeth and yanked that thing back as hard as I could....I'm angry all over just thinking about it.

So, the lawn is mowed. The lawn mower is still alive, and so am I, thank the Lord...Brian really scolded me when he found out I mowed the lawn in my slippers. At least it is dark now, and he can't see the lawn.


Jamie said...

I sure wish I was your neighbor filming you mow that lawn! TOO funny..of course you cant mow the lawn..the mower is bigger than you! I love ya! YOu need to bribe a teenage kid to come mow it for 5.00. I can send Justin..it might be a few days to get there though...

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Heather said...
