Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Free Gift

This season brings so much emotion as I think over the years, and how far we have come. I think of all the friends I have made and how they have touched my life. The world has gotten so small! I can understand how someone who does not know Christ as their Saviour could get lost in it all. Praise the Lord He gives us all the direction, hope, confidence and security we need to live a life pleasing to Him. This past year, we as a family, have witnessed so much death-physical that is. Our dear Pastor's son in Iraq, a dear friend's heart-wrenching miscarriage, a newly-wed husband to yet another dear friend, and a loving Grandmother- all are in heaven! Praise the Lord!! But-it was because someone shared with them what they needed to do to be saved.

I look back to a time when I was not walking with the Lord...I was doing it my way, and failing in a most miserable way. Nothing can fill the void that everyone lost has, except the Holy Spirit....people try with everything they can think of-shopping, drinking, drugs, keeping busy, doing good deeds, all...distractions from the truth. Most things destroy them in one way or another. But, no matter who you are or what you have done...the Lord's saving grace is there for the taking. A FREE gift accepted by faith. It is a humbling simple 4 year old child is a recipient of this awesome gift, and it has been the biggest blessing to see the Holy Spirit working in unfathomable ways in her little life. If you know anyone who is lost, searching, flailing aimlessly towards a life of emptiness....the greatest show of love you can give them is the hope of the gospel. Why wait? People are lonely and miserable in their sin
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.-Romans 6:23

This death is a spiritual eternal death-removal from God's grace. But everlasting life is a promise through the shed blood of Christ. We will, upon physical death be made perfect and spend eternity in heaven if we simply receive the gift of salvation. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."John 3:16

Thank you my gracious Heavenly Father for my gift of eternal life-may I never miss an oppurtunity to tell of your saving grace. If anyone should happen to stumble upon this simple journal and wonder how they too can receive this most important gift, please let me know, even anonymously in comments. It would be a joy to share with you about your loving Saviour.


Mrs. G.F. said...

I came across your comment on someone else's blog, and you wrote that you were living in Okinawa. My husband was in the Navy and was stationed there for a year, I only want out for 2 months at the end of his stay there.

Just thought I'd stop by and say hello.

How do you like it?

Heather said...

Hi! We are enjoying being exposed to a completely different culture. Also, coming from the desert...we are really enjoying all the lush greenery!! So far we are enjoying it!! Thank you for visiting!! God Bless!!-Heather

Free In Christ said...

I loved reading you journal. I found it through Karen Smith's. I sincerely enjoy this comment. My husband and I were in a works based religion our entire lives, and this year God has revealed so much to us. His grace, salvation is free and nothing we can do will seperate us from him. WOW! I look forward to this new found freedom in Christ.